You may have noticed that we've pretty much fallen off the map since Gen Con. Not to worry! We're a bit behind on a bunch of things, but we're still alive. Everyone in our crew is busy, but it's mostly my fault that we're behind. I've been adjusting to home life with Dade (who is almost 8 months old now), painting our new place, and getting ready to move (next week). We've been getting a lot of mail from folks with various questions about what's going on, so here's a quick FAQ:
Where the heck is Empire of Dust!?
Since the "official" release of EoD at Gen Con, we've had a number of problems getting stock to our fulfillment house, Indie Press Revolution. Primarily, we've run into some issues with our box manufacturer that are delaying things a bit. Empire of Dust should be released to IPR relatively soon, but I still can't give an exact date. Thanks to everyone who's expressed interest in the game, we're doing our best to make it available as soon as possible.
Bizenghast and Roanoke are out of stock. When are more coming?
We're going to do a big print run of all of our out of stock titles as soon as we receive our quarterly monies from IPR (which should be any day now). We should be totally restocked by mid November.
Where's the forum?
We need to upgrade our hosting service plan in order to host the forum that we want and we're waiting on the money to do that. We should have something up and running very soon.
What's next/in the works?
We're in the midst of production and Beta playtesting for Chris Perrin's new game, Mecha. I'm extremely excited about this game and it's a lot of fun to play. We're shooting for a February 2009 release but if we need extra time to polish the game we will take it.
I'm working on several Epiphany Engine projects at the moment, including an exciting new licensed game. More on these in the near future.
Amy G is also developing a really sweet game idea, which is looking great.
I think that pretty much covers it. My apologies for being a bit behind, we should be caught up fairly soon.