Friday, October 17, 2008
Still Alive!
You may have noticed that we've pretty much fallen off the map since Gen Con. Not to worry! We're a bit behind on a bunch of things, but we're still alive. Everyone in our crew is busy, but it's mostly my fault that we're behind. I've been adjusting to home life with Dade (who is almost 8 months old now), painting our new place, and getting ready to move (next week). We've been getting a lot of mail from folks with various questions about what's going on, so here's a quick FAQ:
Where the heck is Empire of Dust!?
Since the "official" release of EoD at Gen Con, we've had a number of problems getting stock to our fulfillment house, Indie Press Revolution. Primarily, we've run into some issues with our box manufacturer that are delaying things a bit. Empire of Dust should be released to IPR relatively soon, but I still can't give an exact date. Thanks to everyone who's expressed interest in the game, we're doing our best to make it available as soon as possible.
Bizenghast and Roanoke are out of stock. When are more coming?
We're going to do a big print run of all of our out of stock titles as soon as we receive our quarterly monies from IPR (which should be any day now). We should be totally restocked by mid November.
Where's the forum?
We need to upgrade our hosting service plan in order to host the forum that we want and we're waiting on the money to do that. We should have something up and running very soon.
What's next/in the works?
We're in the midst of production and Beta playtesting for Chris Perrin's new game, Mecha. I'm extremely excited about this game and it's a lot of fun to play. We're shooting for a February 2009 release but if we need extra time to polish the game we will take it.
I'm working on several Epiphany Engine projects at the moment, including an exciting new licensed game. More on these in the near future.
Amy G is also developing a really sweet game idea, which is looking great.
I think that pretty much covers it. My apologies for being a bit behind, we should be caught up fairly soon.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Behind on Blogging!
We just got back from a fantastic Gen Con! I've been so busy getting ready for the con that I've fallen way behind on the blog. I will have a slew of things to talk about as soon as I have a minute to catch my breath and get organized. Expect LOTS of cool news in the very near future. We've got a new release to talk about (Empire of Dust), a new forum that we're trying to get up, and info on several upcoming projects. Stay tuned!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Introducing . . . Messiah
Messiah is really cool and very different from our other games. Basically, Messiah is:
- A game where players control entire Factions, not just one character
- Factions vie for power in a world gone wild after the coming of the Messiah
- Messiah blends the strategy of board games and the story telling from role-playing games to make a very unique play experience
- The game has no GM. Players compete against each other and the Messiah (who no one controls).
- Games last about two hours. Time flies when you're having fun . . . manipulating the world to your own end.
If you’re attending Gen Con, make sure to visit Chris at the Ashcan Front booth or talk to Clint and Amy at the Design Matters Booth.
More soon!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Master Plan Interview!
The interview is now up on his website. You can check it out here.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Enter the World of Bizenghast Writing Competition!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Making of The Bizenghast Adventure Game
In the beginning:
So, a couple of years ago, I was working a menial job in a bookstore (in addition to doing music and game design). I was super depressed at the time because I hated the job, but this is one of those situations where something cool came out of something crappy. One day, while vacuuming the floor in the back of the store, I came across Bizenghast Volume I. I'm really not much of a manga reader, but I am a connoisseur of all things creepy and gothic. The cover illustration (which shows Dinah with a violin for a body) really stood out among the other stuff on the shelf. I remember paging through it and thinking "Wow . . . this is beautiful, dark, and completely insane." A few weeks later I used my employee discount to buy the manga and took it home for a read. Even though I thought the writing was a little iffy in the first volume, I was blown away by the Harry Clarke-esque artwork and the coolness of the premise. Cassie (my wife) read and liked it too. Later we moved, and at some point I picked up volume 2. Around that same time, I was kicking around the idea of making an anime-influenced horror game called Dirge Trigger. One day while I was developing the idea, I pulled out Bizenghast to see if I could harvest some ideas from it. I was immediately reminded of how cool the series was and a thought suddenly struck me . . . what if I made a game about Bizenghast. It had exactly the aesthetic that I was going for. Now, at this point I had never done any licensed games and had no idea how one would go about acquiring the rights for something like this. So, I tracked down Ms. LeGrow's email address and sent a proposal. I did this completely on a whim, never expecting to hear anything back from her. To my utter surprise, she got back to me a couple of weeks later and referred me to her editor (hey Lillian!), who then referred me to Tokyopop's licensing person (hey Amanda!). After a swirl of emails and phone-calls, we had a licensing agreement worked out.
Early Concepts
And then . . . the terror set in . . . "Holy Crap! Now I actually have to make this thing . . . and it has to stand up to the scrutiny of hardcore fans . . ." I began to frantically jot down some basic ideas for the game. I knew that I wanted it to be simple and accessible. I knew that a lot of Bizenghast fans would only be passingly familiar with the concept of role-playing.
My original concepts for the game were, well . . . bad. The game was originally going to be a competitive card game (with role-playing elements). It was silly. Then, I was going to use my 3fold rules-system for the game. This was a better idea, but it still felt kind of half-assed. I needed something more robust. If I was going to do this right, I would have to create a whole new game system from scratch.
During this time I was approached to work on another licensed game (Urchin), which had a much shorter time-table to work with (since it was being released alongside a film), so I put the Bizenghast project on the back-burner for a while. The whole time, I worried that I wouldn't be able to come up with anything cool for Bizenghast and I would miss the opportunity of using such a great license.
An Epiphany . . .
The whole time that I was working on Urchin and trying to figure out Bizenghast, I was developing another game based on an in-house sci-fi setting (which eventually became known as Empire of Dust). I was quite enamored with the rules that I had come up with for EoD, so after much thought I decided to use these rules for Bizenghast too (as well as a bunch of future games). So, the EoD rule-set became known as Epiphany Engine.
I knew that I wanted the Bizenghast game to be accessible to new players, so I began the process of filtering the rules down to their most basic level. Once that was done, I began the task of adapting everything I knew about the Bizenghast universe into the rules of the game. By this time, the 3rd volume the manga had come out and revealed that there are many guilds like the Bizenghast guild all over the world. This gave me the premise I needed to base the game on.
Writing, Editing, and Layout
The Bizenghast Adventure Game was 3 hand-written legal pads before being typed up. The writing process took about a month and a half. I did most of the writing work in various restaurants (COFFEE) and at the local library. I have an actual office downstairs . . . but it's mind-numbingly cold down there in the winter, so I abandoned it for my cozy red couch.
The whole time that I was working on the manuscript, Ms. LeGrow and I traded emails about various details of the Bizenghast universe. I knew that the hardcore fans would be looking for exclusive content, so I got as many details as I could. Actually, at one point I had to take a section out of the manuscript because it would have given too much information away about the upcoming story-arc (which, I'll say, is really freakin' cool).
Next came editing and layout. I sent the manuscript off to my good friend Daniel Bayn for editing. Once it came back, I dove into laying out the book.
For layout, I dig the couch, cause I can have DVDs playing in the background (for this project it was lots of Ghosthunters and "Making of" featurettes).
The actual manga was INDISPENSIBLE for doing layout. See, all of the art from the comics was compressed and archived so that my hardrive didn't explode, so I used the manga to find the art that I needed and then dug into the archive to find it. Each piece of art was cropped in photoshop before being saved and ported over to InDesign.
I like to have lots of inspirational material nearby when I work. In this case I had Palladium's original TMNT game (which has a lot of interesting parallels to the Bizenghast project) and Luke Crane's Burning Empires and The Blossoms are Falling. I make up for my inexperience as a layout artist by stealing ideas from people who know what they're doing.
So, as you may have noticed we had quite a delay with getting the game out the door. It was originally slated as to be released in February, but ended being released in June. I really underestimated the amount of time that it would take to work out all of the licensing issues. At the time I was working on finishing the game KNRPG was pretty much a one-man operation, and trying to coordinate samples from the upcoming Bizenghast novels, licensing issues, and advertising were a whole bunch for one person to handle (I'm not complaining, by the way, I LOVE being very busy . . . I get antsy if I'm not doing 50 things at once). In addition to all that, Cassie and I had our first child, Dade, in February and most of my energy mysteriously vanished. It was definitely difficult, and I'm sorry that the fans had to wait so long, but in the end I'm very pleased with the result.
In Retrospect . . .
This has been an awesome project. M. Alice LeGrow and every single person I dealt with at Tokyopop were fantastic to work with. I learned a lot about licensing (which we we're already looking at doing more of) and I feel like I finally hit my stride as a game-designer. The game is exactly the type of game that I would want to play . . . I figure if I can accomplish that, a few other people may want to play it too.
And now . . . back to the salt mines. I've still got a lot of work to polish Empire of Dust for Gen Con. More soon!
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Bizenghast Adventure Game is now AVAILABLE!
Hey everybody,
After a million delays, The Bizenghast Adventure Game is finally available!
You can pick up your copy here.
Big thanks to all the fans for being so patient. I hope you enjoy the game!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Indiana Jones Geekery
I have always been a huge Star Wars geek. However, of the works of the immortal Mr. Lucas, my favorites have always been the Indiana Jones films. I can't imagine that I was the only kid who immediately decided he wanted to be an archaeologist after witnessing Indy's perilous, globe-hopping adventures.
Of course, I eventually came to the disheartening realization that real archaeology doesn't generally involve jousting with Nazis on motorcycles, wearing ridiculously cool hats, or making-out with Steven Spielberg's wife. Still, Indy will always have a place in my heart. I mean, he's a college professor, an intellectual, and on the weekends risks his life fighting cultists and Nazis to gather ancient trinkets in the name of higher-learning . . . that's my type of academic!
Anyway, it goes without saying that I'm pretty stoked about the new Indy film. I'm even more stoked about the merchandising. I'm now the proud owner of a 4", plastic Harrison Ford.
and get this, they even have an action-figure of the aforementioned motorcycle Nazi! Be still my beating heart . . .
Monday, April 14, 2008
What's happening at KNRPG HQ?
Here's a look at what we're up to here at the KNRPG enclave:
The Bizenghast Adventure Game is almost ready to head out the door. We're basically just waiting for a few business-related things to be worked out and we're ready to go. We apologize again for the delay. Check back often, because I'll put out announcements as soon as it's ready to go.
We're currently testing Chris Perrin's new game code-named: "Neoborn." It's a role-playing game about bad-ass anime mecha. So far, we've been focusing our playtests on the combat system, which is really unique and awesome. It captures the feel of mecha anime in a very cool way. I'm so excited about this game that it hurts . . .
We're also running a weekly playtest of Empire of Dust, our big release for this summer. I'll post more of the details about EoD later, but suffice to say I'm really happy with how our tests are going. At this point, the core of the game is really solid and we're just tweaking the details.
In addition to The Bizenghast Adventure Game and Empire of Dust, we're planning at least two more releases this year. I can't go into detail yet, but both releases will probably use the Epiphany Engine rules (we're working hard to develop a nice, robust catalog of games for the system).
We're also planning to experiment with some audio/video content for the blog. Keep an eye out for something along those lines pretty soon. We're talking video previews, interviews, and even rules-demos.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Bizenghast Update!
So, long story short: we've had a few delays in getting The Bizenghast Adventure Game out the door and we're probably not going to make the late March release that I was hoping for.
Fear not! We're still working hard to get the game out as soon as humanly possibly. I'm confident that this book is our best yet and will be well worth the wait.
Stay tuned for more info very soon.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Bizenghast Adventure Game!
Here's a preview of the cover, featuring some stunning new art from M. Alice LeGrow:
In The Bizenghast Adventure Game, players take on the role of agents of the afterlife charged with hunting ghosts, resolving their problems, and sending them on to the next world. The setting is open for all kinds of exciting characters and adventures. You'll investigate hauntings, explore mysterious vaults, and do battle with unbearable entities. Player characters range from psychic human agents to inhuman guildsmen who wield powerful magic spells and supernatural weapons. You can even play a disembodied spirit with all sorts of cool, ghostly powers. Players are not limited to the characters and locations of the manga . . . the game includes rules and guidelines to help you create your own guilds, characters, and vaults. Of course, we've also included full game stats and information for Dinah, Vincent, and the rest of the Bizenghast crew.
The Bizenghast Adventure Game is the first in a series of KNRPG games that will use our brand new Epiphany Engine game system. The Epiphany Engine game rules are fast, fun, and easy to use. The Bizenghast Adventure Game uses a stripped down version of Epiphany Engine that is specifically designed for beginners (though it will appeal to veteran gamers who enjoy rules-light games). So hey, if you've never tried a table-top RPG before, and you're a fan of Bizenghast, this will be the perfect game to get your feet wet.
And there's more! Bizenghast fans are in for a real treat. In addition to a bunch of original illustrations from M. Alice LeGrow, the book will include never-before-revealed secrets about the cosmology of the Bizenghast universe and give an exclusive sneak peek of the two unrevealed tower guards from the manga. We're also cramming in some brand new fiction from the upcoming Bizenghast novels by Shawn Thorgersen. The book is just jam-packed with awesome stuff!
So, when and where can you find this game?
We're shooting for a mid to late March release (the game is totally finished, but we still have some logistics and legalities to work out). Once released, the game will be on sale at and (we'll have direct links up as soon as the game is available). The game will be available both as a softcover book and as a downloadable PDF file.
We're so excited about this project and can't wait to get it out there for fans to enjoy!
Keep an eye on the blog for more updates in the very near future.
Big Announcement #1
Here he is, Dade Murphy Krause (with mom):
His stats upon arrival: 8 lbs, 6.5 ounces. 20 inches long. Both Dade and Cassie are doing very well.
Observant (or geeky) readers may note that we stole his name from the movie Hackers (it's the name of the main protagonist). It's not really that we're huge fans of the movie (though it is cool, in a ridiculous, early 90s, techno-cheese sorta way), the name just struck an aesthetic chord with us for some reason.
More big KNRPG announcements are right around the corner . . . stay tuned.